أخبار الرياضة

وزير الداخلية في حوار شامل مع رؤساء تحرير الصحف المحلية: حالة الانضباط التي يظهرها المجتمع البحريني تؤكد مستوى الوعي المجتمعي المسؤول

وزير الداخلية في حوار شامل مع رؤساء تحرير الصحف المحلية: حالة الانضباط التي يظهرها المجتمع البحريني تؤكد مستوى الوعي المجتمعي المسؤول

القاهرة: «خلجيون 24 مباشر»

Preparedness measures to confront emergency situations are expensive, but confronting sudden situations has greater losses

There are 1,304 mosques and mosques in Bahrain, and there is a clear commitment, and I thank the preachers and those in charge of the mosques.

The violations were limited to one mosque only and consisted of politicized sermons and illegal marches after Friday prayers.

Diraz Mosque is open for all prayers and has not been closed. Rather, inflammatory speech and marches have been banned

The affairs of managing the mosque and appointing the preacher are within the jurisdiction of the religious endowments, and it was not known that the mosque has a board of directors, such as clubs and associations.

I praise the role of the council owners in preserving our culture, customs and traditions. As for the councils being political, this is a new matter and I see it as a transgression.

Traffic congestion is a global phenomenon and the number of vehicles in Bahrain will approach one million within 10 years

One of the proposed solutions is to set a lifespan for cars to control the number of cars using the streets.

The government is making great efforts to develop the road network and the Traffic Council approved an updated strategy to improve traffic movement

Providing the Traffic Department with 500 smart cameras to monitor violations and link the traffic lights to the traffic control room.

Spreading the culture of using public transportation, expanding it and increasing its demand through developing the network and using innovative means

The objectives of the national plan to enhance belonging stem from the principles of the reform era of His Majesty the King and partners from government institutions and the private sector

Announcing soon the formation of the preparation committee for the national conference to consolidate the Bahraini identity

The conference sheds light on the customs of the people of Bahrain, their authentic traditions, and popular heritage, during which research papers are presented

The National Civil Protection Platform is an electronic interface within the mechanisms for promoting a culture of public safety

I advise citizens to check out what the platform includes, which provides them with advice and guidance to preserve their safety in crises and disasters.

The first phase of the National Ambulance has been completed with 12 centers and 3 ambulance points

We are working to reduce response time by increasing the number of centers to 21 centers

Future projects include vertical and individual ambulances and marine ambulances

Announcing within weeks the provision of automatic identification devices for individuals to improve the level of maritime safety

In light of the events and tensions taking place in the regional situation, from your Excellency’s point of view, what are the most important lessons learned from what is currently happening?

Firstly, I praise the state of discipline shown by Bahraini society at this critical stage and its keenness to maintain security and public order, which expresses the level of responsible societal awareness during this delicate period that the world is going through and which has an impact on many countries.

Since October 2023, the Middle East region has witnessed a dangerous escalation, the results of which were clearly and unfortunately reflected in the massive losses of lives, property, and infrastructure.

I am reminded here of the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain in calling for peace and stability for all parties, without the need to engage in wars and endanger people’s lives and interests. Our political steps, with the wisdom of His Majesty the Great King, may God protect and preserve him, were summed up in winning the battle for peace, preserving just rights, and achieving the goal that all parties are trying to reach now, especially since we have already tried the option of confrontation and war to achieve peace more than once.

There is no doubt that there are many lessons that can be learned, including technological development in managing situations and the role of technology in increasing the effectiveness of command and control and the accuracy of the weapons, ammunition and equipment used, but in my opinion, there is something that comes at the forefront of those lessons, which is what I can call “the surprise.” Expected or expected” means identifying the danger and not dealing with it at the time, and leaving it until it grows to constitute an effective danger over time without dealing with it.

This made us review and deal with matters that may pose a national security challenge for us in the future, especially with the passage of time. Certainly, preparedness measures to confront emergency situations are costly, but confronting sudden situations has a greater cost.

The role of the media during operations cannot be overlooked, and we have noticed that each party is trying to employ various media outlets to its advantage, which has dispersed real information in many circumstances, in addition to creating a state of media conflict, but there is organized media that is carried out through the use of satellites and media institutions, and before That individual notification and fast live broadcast from the event area.

The religious platform has a role in raising awareness and preserving the societal fabric… What are the dangers of politicizing religious platforms, as you see them, Your Excellency?

Mosques are houses of God, made for worship, remembrance, prayer, reading the Qur’an, listening to hadiths and sermons, and calling to God with wisdom and beautiful preaching. We have in the Kingdom of Bahrain 1,304 mosques and mosques, and there is a clear commitment. Praise and thanks be to God, and I thank those in charge of the mosques and the preachers, may God reward them well for what they do. Advice and guidance for worshipers through sermons and religious lessons.

If there were violations, they were limited to only one mosque, which is Al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, and were represented in politicized sermons and illegal marches after Friday prayers in a systematic and continuous manner.

In any case, the mosque is open for all prayers and has not been closed. Rather, inflammatory speech and marches have been banned. The matter that I would like to point out when we are talking about mosques is that what is known is that the affairs of managing the mosque and appointing the preacher are within the jurisdiction and approval of the Religious Endowments. It was not known that the mosque had a board of directors such as clubs and associations.

His Excellency the Minister…in connection with the same topic…we have begun to see political seminars and lectures in some Bahraini councils, something we have not heard of before…Does this have a negative impact on societal security?

First, I praise the role of council owners in preserving our culture, customs and traditions. Councils are part of the heritage of the people of Bahrain, which we are proud of, and they are basically the place where generations learn and grow. They are schools for young people, and councils are schools as we all know them.

Bahrain’s councils are a national and cultural heritage. Their character and social status must be preserved, as the traditions and customs of the people of Bahrain are learned and the etiquette of speech is respected.

As for the councils being political or holding seminars, this is a new matter and I see it as a violation and departure from the goals of the Bahraini People’s Councils, and it places the owner of the council before his responsibilities when any violation occurs.

Many people complain about traffic congestion despite the development efforts and projects we find in the traffic field and the development of main roads and streets.. What are the most important projects to solve the problem of traffic congestion?

Traffic jams are a global phenomenon, and they have their causes. We are part of this world.

Statistics indicate that there is a steady increase in the number of vehicles in Bahrain, as the number of registered vehicles so far amounts to about (676,137) vehicles, and the number of vehicles increases annually by an average of 3.26%, with an average increase of 20,000 vehicles annually. That is, ten years from now, the number of vehicles using the road network will approach one million. This increase far exceeds the carrying capacity of the roads that have been constructed and also those that have been developed.

The esteemed government, headed by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, is making great efforts to develop the road network, whether by constructing new roads or expanding others and increasing their capacity. We are following this matter and working to implement it through the Traffic Council, whose membership includes a number of relevant ministries and service agencies and aims to enhance traffic safety and solve its problems.

The Traffic Council approved updating the strategy to improve traffic movement and approved the appointment of a consultant to prepare the study, according to 6 main axes, including developments in the current traffic situation and developing proposals to improve traffic movement.

Using smart systems to manage and monitor traffic movement and providing the General Traffic Department with 500 smart cameras to monitor violations and linking traffic signals to the traffic control room. Today, we face a challenge to control the number of cars on the street by enacting new legislation that helps accommodate traffic. One of the proposed solutions is to set a default age for cars (one of the countries that applies it in Singapore) to control the number of cars using the streets.

We also point out the importance of spreading the culture of using public transportation, expanding it and increasing demand for it through developing the network and using innovative means.

National identity is one of the pillars of the national plan to enhance national belonging, “Our Bahrain,” during which a number of initiatives were implemented. What has been achieved in this important national aspect?

The National Plan to Strengthen National Belonging, its goals and contents stem from the principles of the reform era of His Majesty the King, and we have partners from government institutions and the private sector and we have launched more than 107 initiatives.

The plan is managed institutionally to achieve the goals, foremost of which is strengthening identity to measure the impact of the initiatives and sustain them.

In implementation of the royal directives of His Majesty the Great King, may God protect and preserve him, at the opening of the parliamentary session, which included implementing an integrated study to measure our readiness in rooting the Bahraini identity, a national conference was announced, expected to be held in the first quarter of next year, 2025.

We will soon announce the formation of the Preparation Committee for the National Conference to Root the Bahraini Identity, which comes as a translation of the Queen’s high visions in preserving the Kingdom’s unique cultural identity and establishing it as a solid foundation for Bahrain’s future and its comprehensive renaissance.

The conference, in which everyone will participate, especially those concerned with this matter, sheds light on the customs of the people of Bahrain, their authentic traditions and popular heritage, and during which research papers will be presented, reflecting the pivotal role of consolidating the Bahraini identity in achieving sustainable development and community cohesion.

It will discuss a number of pivotal topics, including the role of history, culture and education in enhancing identity and the importance of national media in transmitting authentic Bahraini values.

In early November 2023, Your Excellency, you launched the National Civil Protection Platform… How does this constitute support for public safety mechanisms?

Within the framework of using modern technologies to enhance awareness and education of emergency and disaster risks, the National Civil Protection Platform was launched. The national platform is an electronic interface within the mechanisms for promoting a culture of safety and works to spread awareness among members of society about the risks of emergencies and natural disasters, and how to prevent and deal with them. I advise citizens to check out what the platform includes, which provides them with advice and guidance to preserve their safety in crises and disasters.

The Ministry of Interior works to strengthen civil defense, by developing and modernizing the civil defense fleet as well as centers in the governorates, and assigning civil defense to other tasks, including emergency preparations and community awareness. We also work to provide the equipment and clothing required for civil protection in the local market.

The National Ambulance is an essential part of achieving public safety, and there are basic demands to reduce the response period. How has this important national facility developed during the recent period?

This national project carries a very important message because of its connection to people’s lives and safety. Praise be to God, the first phase of the National Ambulance has been completed, after the number of centers reached 12 in addition to 3 activated ambulance points. Currently, work is being done to reduce the response time by increasing the number of centers to 21. The average response time ranges between 5 to 15 minutes depending on the time and location of the report and the case, and less than 7 minutes for serious cases.

The average number of cases per day reaches 155 cases and 1,090 cases per week, and work is underway to adopt artificial intelligence in developing ambulance management.

There are additional tasks for the National Ambulance, which include being present at events, and this increases the effort on the ambulance centers. We are now working on establishing a special unit for events so that the work of the ambulance centers is not affected by this.

Among the future projects is the vertical ambulance by allocating two aircraft for medical evacuation, as this comes within the project to develop and modernize police aviation, and the plan also includes a sea ambulance project, in addition to individual ambulance through the medical ambulance bike (rapid responder), which is one of the winning ideas in the fifth edition of the The “Fikra” Government Innovation Competition launched by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, may God protect him.

8. Maritime safety is a priority for the Coast Guard, and it is the responsibility of sailors to take into account safety factors in order to avoid accidents. In your opinion, when will automatic identification devices be provided in a way that contributes to enhancing maritime security and safety?

Marine safety is one of the most important requirements for sailing for all types of ships, whether commercial or small ships of all types. In the context of improving the level of maritime security and safety, within the next few weeks, it will be announced that Automatic Identification Devices (AIS) will be provided to individuals through the private sector. This step will be part of an initiative aimed at facilitating the access of owners of boats and small vessels to these devices, which play a vital role in enhancing security. Navigation. This step aims to enhance individuals’ awareness of the importance of automatic identification devices, which contribute to tracking boats and ensuring their safety, and also reduce maritime risks such as collisions or loss of communication.

We also point out the Coast Guard’s security fence, which included several stages of launching an integrated naval fleet of modern boats equipped with the latest technology and establishing a comprehensive maritime operations center that would impose maritime control and oversight.

Also, a special department for marine control will be established by controlling violating acts in regulating fishing and protecting the marine environment and referring them to the competent authorities, in coordination with the Supreme Council for the Environment and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture.

Community partnership has an effective role in enhancing maritime safety through awareness campaigns carried out by the Coast Guard with the aim of raising awareness and educating seafarers and their adherence to safety requirements.



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